Garage Doors

Design and architecture styles constantly evolve, and homeowners are always on the lookout for styles to make their property more attractive.
If you are all set to commit to a new garage door, but you are not exactly sure how to use the research you have done online and the feedback you’ve got from family and friends, we have some advice. It all begins with the questions you ask the dealer as this is the only way to know you are working with a quality provider.
Keep your garage door running optimally by regularly maintaining it. Might sound like a lot of work, but it’s not! All you need to so is check these 4 things every 3 months.
If you’re worried that something’s not working properly with your garage, investigate it, sure, but don’t try and repair any of the following problems yourself! Remember, the garage door is the largest moving component of your home, it can be very dangerous and cause serious injury!
If you’ve recently renovated your garage and added insulation to the walls and ceilings, you might be wondering whether you should also insulate your non-insulated garage door or whether to just invest in a new garage door.
If you’re building a new garage and there is a lot of empty space above the garage door you might want to think about installing a wall-mounted door opener rather than one with a trolley, installed over the centre of the door.
No denying it – your old garage door has served you well, but it is beyond the point of no return. So you’ve been doing some research online to learn about the types of garage doors now available on the market. Some manufacturers have interesting options. But before going any further in the purchasing process to replace your current door, here are at least 4 important factors to take a closer look at, especially when evaluating all the options out there.
Are you still on the fence about getting a new garage door for you home? It can be a fantastic investment and provide you with some excellent benefits.
If you look at the exterior of your home, you’ll notice that the garage door is the largest component you can see. When you consider it’s also the largest piece of equipment throughout your home that moves, it quickly becomes clear just how important it is. If you want to be proud of your home, your new garage door should:
It can happen to anyone at any time, it’s Murphy’s Law. Your day gets off to a bad start when you miss your alarm and suddenly you find yourself rushing around trying to get the kids up, dressed and fed with only 40 minutes before they’re supposed to be at daycare, not to mention you still need to shower and get ready for work… But you manage it and everyone’s in the car and ready with 5 minutes to spare and then BANG! You’re going to be late after all, you’ve just backed into the garage door.

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