
Are you interested in making sure you know all the best steps for maintenance with your garage door opener? The truth is it's easier than you might expect. The things you need to do are going to be the same whether you have a brand-new home, a new-to-you home, or a house you've owned for years. Read on to get all the details!
We’re always looking for new ways to make our lives all the more convenient and easier. Enter the brand-new generation of LiftMaster by Chamberlain garage door openers. It’s the smart way to control your garage door.
Who doesn’t like pets? I know I do. I also happen to know many people who have a dog, or a cat, or various combinations of the two. One thing’s certain, I’ve seen plenty of garages in my days, and let me tell you something: most garages are a nightmare begging to happen for our four-legged friends. Don’t worry, we get it — between long days at work and quick getaway vacations, everyone needs a little time off from the furry kids sometime. In fact, the garage may be the best option for a pet suffering for SAD — that’s separation anxiety disorder. Look it up, it’s a thing.

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